

Discover Your Unique

Brainweave is a platform for your kids to BELIEVE in themselves, DISCOVER their unique and EVOLVE into their best versions. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young Henry Ford No child is the same. One would be a great artist whereas the other one probably a great footballer; one girl would be great in singing whereas the other girl …

45 mins of BrainWeave to your child’s daily life

All we want is your child’s 45 minutes for 6 days a week and then you will experience the difference. In total we have 10 core-aspects and every aspect has a sub-aspect. Hence every class covers 3 sub-aspects. According to the BBC WORKLIFE, taking a break in between classes helps to increase the productivity of your mind and prevents you from burnout. You must take at least a 15 mins break in a 90 mins session. Now we have a 45 minutes …

Why BrainWeave?

BrainWeave, interesting name right?! What was the first thought that came to your mind after you read our name? As the name suggests, Brainweave refers to the intertwining of the brain’s hemispheres; i.e. the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere Building a solid foundation in the early years of a child’s life will not only help him or her reach their full potential but will also result in better societies as a whole. Novak Djokovic As you are well aware …

Core Aspects of BW SMART!

Child development involves the biological, psychological, and emotional changes that occur in a person between birth and the end of late adolescence. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Aristotle As Howard Gardner argued that a child evolves as his/her own need. Its important work on the dimensional aspects of a child needs from the beginning which include: 1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Ability to learn, acquire and to deal with new or unfamiliar situations. To …